The best option to pay your plan payments is electronically through TFS. To pay online go to to Click on “Sign Up Today”. If you pay through TFS it will take 5 business days before the payment will show up in the trustee's records so make sure that you pay your plan payment enough time in advance so it posts to the trustee's records in time each month.
You can pay through TFS MoneyGram once you sign up for TFS. Learn more about TFS MoneyGram. When you pay through MoneyGram the payment will appear in the trustee's records the next day. This is a great option if you are running late on a payment.
If you decide to mail your plan payments then please be sure to make the money order or cashier’s check payable to Warren Tadlock and notate your bankruptcy case number on the money order or cashier’s check. Mr. Tadlock’s payment address is as follows:
Warren L. Tadlock
P.O. Box 792
Memphis, TN 38101-0792
If you pay by mail remember that you cannot send a personal check because it will be returned to you. Make sure that you leave enough time for the post office to deliver the mail to the trustee's address (usually about 1 week) and 5 business days for the trustee's office to process the payment.
An experienced Charlotte bankruptcy attorney can help guide you through the process to make sure that you do not run into any problems that could jeopardize your success in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Charlotte, NC. Call bankruptcy attorney Kimberly A. Sheek for a free bankruptcy consultation so you can make sure you are on the path to a successful Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Charlotte from the beginning of your bankruptcy case.
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